You don't have to add all the Simply configurations. only the ones you need
Social Media
Facebook and Twitter is not necessary because I use them from the ghost settings
Add the Social Links only for the services you want to appear in the header section of your website. Pay attention as enabling too many services will cause menu problems.
➡️ Dashboard -> Code injection -> Site Footer
var followSocialMedia = {
youtube: ["YOUR_URL", "YOUR_TITLE"],
instagram: ["YOUR_URL", "YOUR_TITLE"],
github: ["YOUR_URL", "YOUR_TITLE"],
linkedin: ["YOUR_URL", "YOUR_TITLE"],
rss: ["YOUR_URL", "YOUR_TITLE"],
'snapchat': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
'dribbble': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
'spotify': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
'codepen': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
'behance': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
'flickr': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
'telegram': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
'vimeo': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
'twitch': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
'vk': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
'slack': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
'tumblr': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
'discord': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
👉 For those who are commented it is necessary to add those icons through SVG
It is not necessary to add all the icons. Only the icons you need.
➡️ Dashboard -> Code injection -> Site Footer
style="position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; overflow: hidden;"
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d="M16.714 1.714c2.129 0 3.857 1.728 3.857 3.857v12.857c0 2.129-1.728 3.857-3.857 3.857h-12.857c-2.129 0-3.857-1.728-3.857-3.857v-12.857c0-2.129 1.728-3.857 3.857-3.857h12.857zM9.348 12c0-1.567-1.272-2.839-2.839-2.839s-2.839 1.272-2.839 2.839 1.272 2.839 2.839 2.839 2.839-1.272 2.839-2.839zM16.902 12c0-1.567-1.272-2.839-2.839-2.839s-2.839 1.272-2.839 2.839 1.272 2.839 2.839 2.839 2.839-1.272 2.839-2.839z"
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d="M13.714 20.089c-0.134-0.777-0.643-3.455-1.875-6.67-0.013 0-0.040 0.013-0.054 0.013 0 0-5.21 1.821-6.897 5.491-0.080-0.067-0.201-0.147-0.201-0.147 1.527 1.246 3.469 2.009 5.598 2.009 1.219 0 2.371-0.254 3.429-0.696zM11.237 11.96c-0.214-0.496-0.455-0.991-0.71-1.487-4.527 1.353-8.866 1.246-9.013 1.246-0.013 0.094-0.013 0.188-0.013 0.281 0 2.25 0.857 4.313 2.25 5.866v0c2.397-4.272 7.138-5.799 7.138-5.799 0.121-0.040 0.241-0.067 0.348-0.107zM9.804 9.121c-1.527-2.705-3.147-4.902-3.268-5.063-2.451 1.152-4.272 3.415-4.848 6.134 0.228 0 3.897 0.040 8.116-1.071zM18.964 13.393c-0.188-0.054-2.638-0.83-5.478-0.388 1.152 3.174 1.621 5.759 1.714 6.281 1.969-1.326 3.362-3.442 3.763-5.893zM8.183 3.469c-0.013 0-0.013 0-0.027 0.013 0 0 0.013-0.013 0.027-0.013zM16.085 5.411c-1.54-1.366-3.576-2.196-5.799-2.196-0.71 0-1.406 0.094-2.076 0.254 0.134 0.174 1.795 2.357 3.295 5.116 3.308-1.232 4.554-3.134 4.58-3.174zM19.071 11.906c-0.027-2.076-0.763-3.991-1.996-5.491-0.027 0.027-1.433 2.063-4.902 3.482 0.201 0.415 0.402 0.844 0.589 1.272 0.067 0.147 0.121 0.308 0.188 0.455 3.027-0.388 6.013 0.268 6.121 0.281zM20.571 12c0 5.679-4.607 10.286-10.286 10.286s-10.286-4.607-10.286-10.286 4.607-10.286 10.286-10.286 10.286 4.607 10.286 10.286z"
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d="M20.344 10.393c1.098 0 1.942 0.804 1.942 1.902 0 0.857-0.442 1.46-1.246 1.741l-2.304 0.79 0.75 2.237c0.067 0.201 0.094 0.415 0.094 0.629 0 1.058-0.857 1.942-1.915 1.942-0.844 0-1.594-0.522-1.862-1.326l-0.737-2.21-4.152 1.42 0.737 2.196c0.067 0.201 0.107 0.415 0.107 0.629 0 1.045-0.857 1.942-1.929 1.942-0.844 0-1.58-0.522-1.848-1.326l-0.737-2.183-2.049 0.71c-0.214 0.067-0.442 0.121-0.67 0.121-1.085 0-1.902-0.804-1.902-1.888 0-0.83 0.536-1.58 1.326-1.848l2.089-0.71-1.406-4.192-2.089 0.723c-0.214 0.067-0.429 0.107-0.643 0.107-1.071 0-1.902-0.817-1.902-1.888 0-0.83 0.536-1.58 1.326-1.848l2.103-0.71-0.71-2.129c-0.067-0.201-0.107-0.415-0.107-0.629 0-1.058 0.857-1.942 1.929-1.942 0.844 0 1.58 0.522 1.848 1.326l0.723 2.143 4.152-1.406-0.723-2.143c-0.067-0.201-0.107-0.415-0.107-0.629 0-1.058 0.871-1.942 1.929-1.942 0.844 0 1.594 0.536 1.862 1.326l0.71 2.156 2.17-0.737c0.188-0.054 0.375-0.080 0.576-0.080 1.045 0 1.942 0.777 1.942 1.848 0 0.83-0.643 1.527-1.393 1.781l-2.103 0.723 1.406 4.232 2.196-0.75c0.201-0.067 0.415-0.107 0.616-0.107zM9.71 13.902l4.152-1.406-1.406-4.219-4.152 1.433z"
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d="M16.714 1.714c2.129 0 3.857 1.728 3.857 3.857v12.857c0 2.129-1.728 3.857-3.857 3.857h-12.857c-2.129 0-3.857-1.728-3.857-3.857v-12.857c0-2.129 1.728-3.857 3.857-3.857h12.857zM6.683 6.629h-4.969v10.54h5.116c1.915 0 3.71-0.911 3.71-3.054 0-1.326-0.629-2.304-1.915-2.679 0.938-0.455 1.433-1.138 1.433-2.196 0-2.103-1.567-2.612-3.375-2.612zM6.388 10.888h-2.357v-2.464h2.183c0.83 0 1.594 0.228 1.594 1.205 0 0.897-0.589 1.259-1.42 1.259zM6.509 15.375h-2.478v-2.906h2.531c1.018 0 1.661 0.442 1.661 1.513s-0.763 1.393-1.714 1.393zM15.214 15.804c-1.232 0-1.875-0.723-1.875-1.942h5.504c0.013-0.134 0.013-0.268 0.013-0.402 0-2.25-1.326-4.138-3.723-4.138-2.317 0-3.911 1.754-3.911 4.045 0 2.384 1.5 4.004 3.911 4.004 1.835 0 3.013-0.817 3.576-2.558h-1.848c-0.201 0.643-1.018 0.991-1.647 0.991zM15.080 10.902c1.045 0 1.567 0.629 1.661 1.634h-3.402c0.067-1.004 0.737-1.634 1.741-1.634zM12.911 7.339h4.272v1.031h-4.272v-1.031z"
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d="M15.094 16.205c0-0.375-0.147-0.522-0.402-0.683-1.728-1.031-3.737-1.54-5.987-1.54-1.313 0-2.571 0.174-3.844 0.455-0.308 0.067-0.563 0.268-0.563 0.696 0 0.335 0.254 0.656 0.656 0.656 0.121 0 0.335-0.067 0.496-0.107 1.045-0.214 2.143-0.362 3.254-0.362 1.969 0 3.83 0.482 5.317 1.379 0.161 0.094 0.268 0.147 0.442 0.147 0.335 0 0.629-0.268 0.629-0.643zM16.379 13.326c0-0.362-0.134-0.616-0.469-0.817-2.049-1.219-4.647-1.888-7.339-1.888-1.728 0-2.906 0.241-4.058 0.563-0.429 0.121-0.643 0.415-0.643 0.857s0.362 0.804 0.804 0.804c0.188 0 0.295-0.054 0.496-0.107 0.938-0.254 2.063-0.442 3.362-0.442 2.545 0 4.862 0.67 6.536 1.661 0.147 0.080 0.295 0.174 0.509 0.174 0.455 0 0.804-0.362 0.804-0.804zM17.826 10.004c0-0.496-0.214-0.75-0.536-0.938-2.317-1.353-5.491-1.982-8.518-1.982-1.781 0-3.415 0.201-4.875 0.629-0.375 0.107-0.723 0.429-0.723 0.991 0 0.549 0.415 0.978 0.964 0.978 0.201 0 0.388-0.067 0.536-0.107 1.299-0.362 2.705-0.496 4.112-0.496 2.786 0 5.679 0.616 7.54 1.728 0.188 0.107 0.321 0.161 0.536 0.161 0.509 0 0.964-0.402 0.964-0.964zM20.571 12c0 5.679-4.607 10.286-10.286 10.286s-10.286-4.607-10.286-10.286 4.607-10.286 10.286-10.286 10.286 4.607 10.286 10.286z"
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d="M2.893 15.656l8.076 5.384v-4.808l-4.473-2.987zM2.063 13.728l2.585-1.728-2.585-1.728v3.455zM13.031 21.040l8.076-5.384-3.603-2.411-4.473 2.987v4.808zM12 14.438l3.643-2.438-3.643-2.438-3.643 2.438zM6.496 10.754l4.473-2.987v-4.808l-8.076 5.384zM19.353 12l2.585 1.728v-3.455zM17.504 10.754l3.603-2.411-8.076-5.384v4.808zM24 8.344v7.313c0 0.335-0.174 0.67-0.455 0.857l-10.969 7.313c-0.174 0.107-0.375 0.174-0.576 0.174s-0.402-0.067-0.576-0.174l-10.969-7.313c-0.281-0.188-0.455-0.522-0.455-0.857v-7.313c0-0.335 0.174-0.67 0.455-0.857l10.969-7.313c0.174-0.107 0.375-0.174 0.576-0.174s0.402 0.067 0.576 0.174l10.969 7.313c0.281 0.188 0.455 0.522 0.455 0.857z"
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d="M22.888 6.938c-0.094 2.116-1.58 5.022-4.446 8.719-2.973 3.844-5.464 5.772-7.527 5.772-1.272 0-2.344-1.179-3.214-3.522-0.589-2.143-1.179-4.299-1.768-6.455-0.643-2.344-1.353-3.509-2.103-3.509-0.161 0-0.723 0.335-1.701 1.018l-1.031-1.313c1.071-0.951 2.129-1.915 3.188-2.839 1.42-1.259 2.504-1.888 3.228-1.955 1.701-0.161 2.732 0.991 3.134 3.469 0.415 2.679 0.723 4.353 0.884 4.996 0.496 2.223 1.018 3.335 1.607 3.335 0.455 0 1.138-0.71 2.063-2.156 0.911-1.446 1.393-2.545 1.46-3.295 0.121-1.246-0.362-1.862-1.46-1.862-0.522 0-1.058 0.121-1.621 0.348 1.071-3.509 3.121-5.21 6.147-5.116 2.237 0.067 3.295 1.527 3.161 4.366z"
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d="M11.357 1.714c2.411-0.027 4.406 1.326 5.411 3.496 0.308 0.656 0.362 1.674 0.362 2.397 0 0.857-0.067 1.701-0.121 2.558 0.107 0.054 0.254 0.094 0.375 0.094 0.482 0 0.884-0.362 1.366-0.362 0.455 0 1.112 0.321 1.112 0.857 0 1.286-2.692 1.045-2.692 2.17 0 0.201 0.080 0.388 0.161 0.576 0.643 1.406 1.862 2.759 3.308 3.362 0.348 0.147 0.696 0.228 1.071 0.308 0.241 0.054 0.375 0.228 0.375 0.469 0 0.911-2.317 1.286-2.933 1.379-0.268 0.415-0.067 1.393-0.777 1.393-0.549 0-1.098-0.174-1.688-0.174-0.281 0-0.563 0.013-0.83 0.067-1.594 0.268-2.129 1.982-4.741 1.982-2.518 0-3.121-1.714-4.674-1.982-0.281-0.054-0.563-0.067-0.844-0.067-0.603 0-1.179 0.201-1.661 0.201-0.75 0-0.522-0.991-0.804-1.42-0.616-0.094-2.933-0.469-2.933-1.379 0-0.241 0.134-0.415 0.375-0.469 0.375-0.080 0.723-0.161 1.071-0.308 1.433-0.589 2.679-1.955 3.308-3.362 0.080-0.188 0.161-0.375 0.161-0.576 0-1.125-2.705-0.911-2.705-2.156 0-0.522 0.616-0.857 1.085-0.857 0.415 0 0.83 0.348 1.353 0.348 0.147 0 0.295-0.027 0.429-0.094-0.054-0.844-0.121-1.688-0.121-2.545 0-0.723 0.054-1.754 0.362-2.411 1.179-2.545 3.174-3.469 5.839-3.496z"
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d="M15.924 17.504l1.969-9.281c0.174-0.817-0.295-1.138-0.83-0.938l-11.571 4.46c-0.79 0.308-0.777 0.75-0.134 0.951l2.96 0.924 6.871-4.326c0.321-0.214 0.616-0.094 0.375 0.121l-5.558 5.022-0.214 3.054c0.308 0 0.442-0.134 0.603-0.295l1.446-1.393 3 2.21c0.549 0.308 0.938 0.147 1.085-0.509zM24 12c0 6.629-5.371 12-12 12s-12-5.371-12-12 5.371-12 12-12 12 5.371 12 12z"
Simply is using the default search of ghost
Logo Light / Dark Mode
- Add your logo for dark mode in the folder
- Edit the file
and uncomment this line
<img src="{{img_url @site.logo size="m"}}" class="header-logo-img max-h-9 logo-default" alt="{{@site.title}}" width="115" height="30"/>
{{!-- <img src="{{asset "images/logo-dark-mode.png"}}" class="header-logo-img max-h-9 hidden logo-dark-mode" alt="" width="115" height="30"/> --}}
- Add the entyles in ➡️
Dashboard -> Code injection -> Site Header
.is-head-transparent .logo-default,
.dark .logo-default { display: none !important }
.is-head-transparent:not(.has-menu) .logo-dark-mode,
.dark .logo-dark-mode { display: block }
Color Scheme
Choose your color scheme, by default it will use your browser theme, you can choose to start in dark mode or light mode.

Simply comes by default with infinite pagination but will stop only on the second page and display a button to Load More. If you don't like infinite pagination choose numeric pagination.

You have 4 options to customize your home page.
- Featured - The last featured article will be called up and displayed throughout the length of the screen.
- Featured slider - The last 3 featured articles are called and will be displayed throughout the page.
- Publication cover

Post Font
Choose font-sans or font-serif

The form is located at the bottom of the article, you can change the text, enable or disable the form.

If you need a quick way to make fully functional comments Simply has everything ready for you.
Disqus Comments

Disqus allows you to embed comment threads within Ghost posts and pages, including additional functionality like upvoting and adding Emoji reactions.
— First, you will need to get your account disqusShortName
➡️ Dashboard -> Site design -> Post -> Comments disqus short name

Facebook Comments

To have the Facebook comments you need to edit the following file. partials/article/article-comments.hbs
Inside the file you have to delete all the content and add all the code that I leave below.
<div id="post-comments" class="post-comments bg-gray-150 pt-8 pb-8">
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<script async defer crossorigin="anonymous" src="" nonce="Jb8hW4cJ"></script>
Changing the Language (en_US
- es_ES
- es_LA
) more information link below language
Hyvor Talk Comments

Embed code is a small HTML snippet than you can use to install Hyvor Talk on partials/article/article-comments.hbs
Make sure to replace YOUR_WEBSITE_ID
in the code with your website ID.
Inside the file you have to delete all the content and add all the code that I leave below.
<div id="post-comments" class="post-comments pt-8 pb-8">
<div class="mx-auto px-4 max-w-5xl">
<div id="hyvor-talk-view"></div>
{{#contentFor "scripts"}}
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url: "{{url absolute="true"}}",
id: "ghost-{{comment_id}}"
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