
It's time to create and inspire with Simply, a stunning modern portfolio theme that I have designed for you to showcase your work. Meet the perfect portfolio partner for your creative production, be it design, illustration or anything else: it's Simply!

👉 To set the portfolio Page follow the steps below.

  • Create a new page
  • Choose your favorite title
  • Use the URL portfolio
  • Choose your favorite description in excerpt
  • Use all tags to filter all portfolios

👉 Portfolio collection

  • Appears on: site.com/portfolio/
  • Post URLs: site.com/porfolio/my-portfolio/
  • In your posts use the internal tag of #portfolio
  • Contains posts with: a primary_tag of Add_your_favorite_tag

  # PortFolio
    permalink: /portfolio/{slug}/
    filter: 'tag:[hash-portfolio]'
    data: page.portfolio
    template: godo-template-portfolio
    limit: all

  # Default
    permalink: /{slug}/
    filter: 'tag:-[hash-portfolio,hash-kusi-doc,hash-podcast]'
    template: index

  tag: /tag/{slug}/
  author: /author/{slug}/
simply free theme for ghost - portfolio page

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